Prof. Dr. Sebastian Haunss

19. July 2024
by shaunss

Local protest event analysis: providing a more comprehensive picture?

In exploring protest dynamics, Protest Event Analysis (PEA) has proven an indispensable analytic tool. Despite various improvements, PEA faces continuous challenges, notably the reproduction of media-specific selection biases. This research note aims to contribute to the literature seeking to mitigate these issues by exploring the potential of PEA based on local newspaper data, which tend to be less selective in their protest reporting.

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19. July 2024
by shaunss

Automatic Analysis of Political Debates and Manifestos: Successes and Challenges

The opinions of political actors (e.g., politicians, parties, organizations) expressed through claims are the core elements of political debates and decision-making. Political actors communicate through different channels: parties publish manifestos for major elections, while individual actors make statements on a day-to-day basis as reflected in the media. These two channels offer different approaches for analysis: Manifestos, on the one hand, are useful to characterize the parties’ positions at a global ideological level over time. In contrast, individual statements can be collected to analyze debates in particular policy domains on a fine-grained level, in terms of individual actors and claims. In this article, we summarize a series of studies we have carried out.

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16. December 2022
by shaunss

Multimodal mechanisms of political discourse dynamics and the case of Germany’s nuclear energy phase-out

The 2011 policy pivot of the German government, from extending nuclear power plants terms to securing their shutdown for 2022, cannot be explained without looking at how the German political discourse network shifted in the months following Fukushima. This paper seeks to model and identify mechanisms that help explain how the two-mode network of political actors’ support for claims developed.

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8. December 2021
by shaunss

Taking to the Streets in Germany

Disenchanted and Confident Critics in Mass Demonstrations

This paper analyses the socio-demographic attributes and political attitudes of protesters in Germany. In doing so, the paper studies participation at demonstrations, one of the key forms of non-electoral political participation in Germany and a central political arena in which to negotiate political and cultural conflicts.

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26. November 2021
by shaunss

The Emergence of Healthcare Systems

Some sort of medical infrastructure has existed in all modern states and dependent territories. However, healthcare systems that provide legal entitlements to medical care at least for specific groups of the population, and that regulate access to and provision of healthcare on a national level only came into existence at the end of the nineteenth century.

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15. October 2020
by shaunss

Fridays for Future – Die Jugend gegen den Klimawandel

Konturen der weltweiten Protestbewegung

Sebastian Haunss & Moritz Sommer (Hg.)

Mit Fridays for Future haben die Klimaproteste eine zuvor nie erreichte gesellschaftliche Breite und politische Aufmerksamkeit erlangt. Doch wer beteiligt sich eigentlich an dieser sozialen Bewegung, was motiviert die Menschen zu protestieren und welche Einstellungen haben die Beteiligten? Mehrere Umfragen unter Protestierenden aus dem Jahr 2019 bilden den Ausgangspunkt der Analyse von Sebastian Haunss, Moritz Sommer und 26 weiteren Autor*innen dieses Buchs.

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20. July 2020
by shaunss

Integrating Manual and Automatic Annotation for the Creation of Discourse Network Data Sets

This article investigates the integration of machine learning in the political claim annotation workflow with the goal to partially automate the annotation and analysis of large text corpora. It introduces the MARDY annotation environment and presents results from an experiment in which the annotation quality of annotators with and without machine learning based annotation support is compared.

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