Prof. Dr. Sebastian Haunss

19. July 2024
by shaunss

Local protest event analysis: providing a more comprehensive picture?

In exploring protest dynamics, Protest Event Analysis (PEA) has proven an indispensable analytic tool. Despite various improvements, PEA faces continuous challenges, notably the reproduction of media-specific selection biases. This research note aims to contribute to the literature seeking to mitigate … Continue reading

19. July 2024
by shaunss

Automatic Analysis of Political Debates and Manifestos: Successes and Challenges

The opinions of political actors (e.g., politicians, parties, organizations) expressed through claims are the core elements of political debates and decision-making. Political actors communicate through different channels: parties publish manifestos for major elections, while individual actors make statements on a … Continue reading

Protestplakat Bremen 1990

15. March 2022
by shaunss

Spuren des Protests in Bremen

Bremens Nachkriegsgeschichte ist reich an Protesten, deren Häufigkeit und thematische Bandbreite seit den 1960er Jahren zugenommen hat. Seitdem sind Proteste zum normalen Bestandteil politischer Partizipation in Bremen geworden.