Prof. Dr. Sebastian Haunss

9. May 2016
by shaunss

Public domain as a master frame?

In a widely cited article Boyle suggests that a movement against the growing propertization of knowledge should develop a mobilization frame centered around the idea of the public domain. Based on an analysis of the framing strategies in the two most important protest mobilizations against extensive intellectual property rights I discuss whether and to which degree these movements did actually put the concept of the public domain at the center of their argumentation. Continue Reading →

4. May 2016
by shaunss

Precarious Research in a Movement Society: Social Movement Studies in Germany

Research on social movements in Germany started late and has never really managed to establish a stable foothold within the German university system. A lively social movement sector with frequent and large-scale protests on many issues has not changed the marginal position of social movement research in political science and sociology in Germany. But nevertheless a lively landscape of research exists. Continue Reading →

5. February 2016
by shaunss

Unrest or Social Movement? Some Conceptual Clarifications

The protests in 1980 and 1981 have been labeled as ‘youth movement’, ‘youth protest’, ‘youth unrest’, ‘youth rebellion’, or ‘youth revolt’. The chapter reflects upon the implications and assumptions of these concepts with the aim to situate these concepts in the broader literature about protest and social movements and to reflect upon the epistemological presumptions that are ingrained in the labels used to describe the protests of the early 1980s. Continue Reading →

5. February 2016
by shaunss

Privacy Activism after Snowden

Fuelled by Edward Snowden’s revelations about the NSA’s surveillance practices, privacy is a widely discussed issue today. But despite the eminent visibility of privacy issues in the media, its political salience is questionable. Concrete privacy-enhancing political measures are few and far between and there ar no signs of a growing protest movement. Continue Reading →

19. December 2015
by shaunss

Für Demokratie und gegen die Macht der Konzerne

Erste Auswertung der Befragung der TeilnehmerInnen der Demonstration „TTIP & CETA stoppen. Für einen gerechten Welthandel!“ am 10. Oktober in Berlin

  • Daphi, Priska u. a. (2015): Für Demokratie und gegen die Macht der Konzerne. Motive und Merkmale der Teilnehmenden der Demonstration „TTIP & CETA stoppen. Für einen gerechten Welthandel!“ am 10. Oktober in Berlin, Berlin: Institut für Protest- und Bewegungsforschung.

19. December 2015
by shaunss

Promise and Practice in Studies of Social Media and Movements

Digital social media have been widely adopted in protest mobilizations. Are social media thus the leaflets and political posters of the early 21st century? Or do they, as some authors have claimed, fundamentally alter the conditions for the emergence of protest and social movements? This chapter discusses the findings of existing studies on social movements and social media and assesses to which extent some authors’ claims about the fundamental importance of social media technologies in recent protests and uprisings can be substantiated in empirical studies of protest mobilizations or whether the results lend more support for the claim that social media did not fundamentally influence the mobilization dynamics. Continue Reading →

19. August 2015
by shaunss

Finanzkrise ohne Legitimationskrise? Kapitalismuskritik in der deutschen Qualitätspresse

Vielen gilt die aktuelle internationale Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise als potenziell transformativer Moment, der über die ökonomische Sphäre hinaus zu tiefgreifenden sozialen und politischen Veränderungen führen könnte. Nutzt die Kritik diese diskursive Gelegenheit, um sich in der breiteren öffentlich-medialen Debatte in Stellung zu bringen und damit eine Legitimationskrise des Kapitalismus auszulösen? Diese Frage untersuchen wir auf der Basis einer Inhalts- und Diskursnetzwerkanalyse der deutschen Qualitätspresse. Continue Reading →